在2020年在美國加州紅杉州立公園,因『天然因素-閃電』所發生的森林大火中,有部分的紅杉(Sequoia sempervirens) 是倖存下來的,相當令人驚訝。2023年學者在Nature Plants期刊中發表的『Old reserves and ancient buds fuel regrowth of coast redwood after catastrophic fire』文章指出幾項原因,我們整理如下:
從古老的碳提供能量而萌發新芽,對於具有千年壽命的生物體來說,能夠在罕見但災難性事件中生存的特徵可能代表著樹體中存在著重要的能量庫。 樹木受到干擾後,可以利用數十年前的光合作用產物,讓樹木可以重新活化。
由於紅杉具的壽命可長達2000多年,這次發現從古老的樹體中提供的碳,在這次火災後已經有部分的芽萌發出來,而讓這些芽萌發出來的營養物質,可以追溯到 1000 年前,研究人員認為這可能是有記錄以來最古老的。
In 2020, a devastating wildfire swept through California's Sequoia National Park, leaving an indelible impact on the iconic coast redwood trees (Sequoia sempervirens). Despite the destructive forces of nature, a notable number of redwood trees displayed remarkable resilience and managed to survive. The insights gleaned from a study published in the 2023 issue of Nature Plants, titled "Old Reserves and Ancient Buds Fuel Regrowth of Coast Redwood after Catastrophic Fire," shed light on the key factors contributing to the trees' ability to endure and recover.
Survival of Trees After the Fire
The 2020 wildfire significantly affected the tree canopy, resulting in the destruction of redwood needles. However, a subset of redwood trees demonstrated their ability to withstand the wildfire's impact, highlighting their capacity to endure adverse conditions.
Most trees experienced damage to their roots, trunks, and canopies, compromising their photosynthetic capacity.
Utilization of Tree Energy Reserves
The study revealed that surviving trees could tap into long-term energy reserves, even after the destruction of their needles. Burnt trees initiated regrowth through sprouting from roots, trunks, and branches, utilizing stored carbon nutrients to support their recovery.
These energy reserves, accumulated over decades through photosynthesis, were stored in the buds of the trees, enabling them to resume growth.
Sprouting from Ancient Buds
New growth emerged from buds that had been dormant for centuries beneath the bark. For organisms with a lifespan of over a millennium, the ability to survive rare but catastrophic events represents a crucial energy reservoir. The reactivation of photosynthetic products dating back several decades suggests the presence of significant carbon in the ancient tree cycle.
Utilization of Energy Reserves
Charred trees utilized the stored energy reserves beneath the bark, injecting it into the desiccated buds. This finding challenges previous understandings of tree growth, demonstrating their capacity to adapt to catastrophes triggered by climate change-induced wildfires.
Research Methodology
Radiocarbon dating techniques were employed to assess the age of the energy reserves supporting the growth of new plants in burnt redwood trees.
Results indicated that the energy reserves within these redwood plants could be traced back several decades, if not a century.
Longevity and New Growth of Trees
Given the potential lifespan of over 2000 years for coast redwoods, the discovery of sprouts emerging from ancient buds dormant for centuries beneath the bark suggests a remarkable adaptation to survive and regenerate after the recent forest fire. Some of these sprouts can be traced back to a thousand years, possibly making them the oldest recorded buds.
Future Challenges
While new buds have emerged, scientists express concerns about the difficulty of restoring the original photosynthetic energy storage due to damage to the tree canopy. Additionally, uncertainties persist regarding the trees' ability to tap into energy reserves in the event of a second forest fire. This study underscores the astonishing adaptability of coast redwood trees, showcasing their ability to survive and regenerate under extreme conditions.
參考文獻:Peltier D.M.P., CarboneM.S., Melissa Enright M., Marshall M.C.,Trowbridge A. M., LeMoine J., Koch G. & A. D. Richardson (2023) Old reserves and ancient buds fuel regrowth of coast redwood after catastrophic fire. Nature Plants. DOI: 10.1038/s41477-023-01581-z.