" ForeStory" was relaunched in 2023. Each article is akin to the twinkling lights of a Christmas tree, imparting blessings from the depths of the forest. Let those who revel in stories be immersed in love and joy, experiencing the unique beauty woven into every article.
As the Christmas season draws near, the cold ambiance of the winter solstice also makes its entrance. The winter solstice marks the moment in the year when the balance between yin and yang energies is achieved, symbolizing the turning point as yang energy ascends and yin energy gradually wanes. Much like the rhythmic cycles of nature, the winter solstice serves as a reminder to cherish moments of warmth and togetherness.
In this chilly winter solstice, let us illuminate the warm light within our hearts and embrace each other's warmth and hope. Whether it be a cup of steaming hot tea that warms the heart or a convivial family dinner where love blossoms on the dining table, simple gestures or profound blessings can bring warmth and fortitude to individuals during this cold season.
Amid the warm ambiance of "ForeStory," let us collaborate in crafting blessings for this winter solstice. May you sense the tranquility of the winter solstice and relish a warm time amidst a familial reunion. May love and blessings become the most resplendent hues in this chilly season, brightening the heart of everyone.
During this winter solstice, do not forget to relish a bowl of piping hot glutinous rice balls, symbolizing not only warmth but also the comforting taste of home. May everyone join hands in welcoming a Christmas infused with love and blessings, eagerly anticipating the new year's arrival with the promise of more happiness and beauty. Wishing you all a joyous Winter Solstice, brimming with warmth and hope!